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Repairing and Cleaning Plushes: 

For a guide on cleaning plushes made with minky, check out this guide by ButtercupBabyPPG (click the picture to head over to the original deviantART submission). 


Please keep in mind my plushes are not suitable for machine washing! Putting your plush in the machine will likely cause damage. 


If your plush has any airbrushed markings or details whatsoever, please do not get it wet. Shoot me an email at with photos of the part of the plush that needs cleaning, and I will advise. 



I offer a repair service for any of my plushes should they become damaged - please head over to the TOS tab to check out the details, and then shoot me an email at with the date you purchased the plush (a rough guesstimate is okay) and photos of the damage. 


If your plush has only a minor injury, you should be able to fix it yourself! 


For a simple popped seam (a hole along a seam line), check out this guide on WikiHow. These are easy problems to fix and your plush should be feeling better in no time. If your plush has lost an ear, a piece of mane, a wing, or anything that is handsewn on, you can use a strong piece of thread and a whip stitch to sew it back into place. Minky scars easily, so you will probably be able to see where the piece was sewn on originally - just follow that! For a guide on whip stitching, let's go back to WikiHow. If your plush has another kind of ailment, feel free to email me with photos and I'll take a look.

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